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License Testing
We have license testing each second Friday of the month. Our license testing is at GVSU’s Kennedy Hall of Engineering located at 301 Fulton Street West, Grand Rapids, MI, 49504 in room 122 (map). The main parking lot is located on the north side of the building on Front Ave.
Please see our License Testing page for everything you need to do before coming and taking the test.
Monthly Meeting
Our meetings are on the first Friday of the month at 7pm. Most people start showing up at 6:30am to socialize.
Our meeting location is now at the John C. Kennedy Hall of Engineering, 301 Fulton St W, Grand Rapids, MI 49504 located on the GVSU campus.
Hope to see you there!
Field Day 2024
Field Day will be located on the GVSU Allendale Campus at the Ravine Center located Ravine Center, 4310 W Ravine Center Dr, Allendale, MI 49401 (map).
We’re going to have several stations for you to come and use. Come out and join us!
Saturday June 22th
8:30am– Breakfast at Murphy’s Family Restaurant 4963 Lake Michigan Dr, Allendale Charter Twp, MI 49401 (map)
10:00am– Setup begins at GVSU Ravine Center, 4310 W Ravine Center Dr, Allendale, MI 49401 (map)
2:00pm- Field day 2024 officially starts! Lunch provided by IEEE
6:00pm- Potluck dinner, GRARA is providing Hamburgers and Hotdogs, please bring a dish to pass
Sunday June 23th
10:00am- Breakfast will be provided.
2:00pm- Field day 2024 officially ends
Grand Rapids Area Hamfest
It’s that time of year again! Our hamfest is happening soon, so get your tables reserved!
Saturday September 7, 2024 at 8am. Get there early!
Admission: $8, K-12 students free with student ID
The Home School Building, 5625 Burlingame, SW, Wyoming MI 49509 (map)
We will have license testing at 10pm!
Tower Climbing Part 3
If the weather holds, we will be climbing the tower this Saturday November 4th at 2pm. Come out and help us out. We need a good amount of ground crew and the work isn’t too hard.

Wednesday & Sunday Radio Room
Our Wednesday Radio Room is open from 4-7pm.
Our Sunday Radio Room is open from 1-4pm.
You can find it at 1050 Fuller Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503. There is a stairwell on the north side right next to our antenna tower, that is the entrance we use for the building.
W8DC Contacts the ISS during Field Day
Grace KE8RJU contacted astronaut Kjell Lindgren during Field Day!

Membership Dues
You can now submit your membership application and pay your membership dues online!
Under the membership tab there is Membership Application & Membership Dues.
Membership runs from March 1 until the last day in February.